المشروعات في السنة
نتائج البحث
Sustainability measurement of seaports by data envelopment analysis (DEA)
Farzipoor Saen, R. (PI)
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المشروع: بحوث المنح الداخلية
Factors affecting academic poor performance of CEPS at SQU
Hossain, M. Z. (PI)
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المشروع: بحوث المنح الداخلية
Modeling Mobile Wallet Acceptance: A Case of Bank Muscat
Sharma, S. (PI)
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المشروع: بحوث المنح الداخلية
Developing New Tools for Efficient Solutions to Large-Scale Vehicle Routing Problems with Delivery Deadlines
El-Bouri, A. (PI)
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المشروع: بحوث المنح الداخلية
Statistical investigation of the economic impact of building a tanning industry in Oman
Rahman, S. (PI)
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المشروع: بحوث المنح الداخلية
Investigating the optimal performance indicators of the ports? operating systems in Oman
Channouf, N. (PI)
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المشروع: بحوث المنح الداخلية
Towards Building an Optimal Humanitarian Logistics Management System in Oman
Al Hajri, A. S. (PI)
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المشروع: بحوث المنح الداخلية
Building a consistent system for award attribution to academic faculty at SQU
Oukil, A. (PI)
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المشروع: بحوث المنح الداخلية
Understanding Mobile Banking Adoption by Individual Users in Oman
Sharma, S. (PI)
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المشروع: بحوث المنح الداخلية
Operational performance analysis of the hospitality industry in the Sultanate of Oman
Al-Zaidi, A. (PI)
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المشروع: بحوث المنح الداخلية
Service Quality and Internet Adoption in Omani Banking Industry
Sharma, S. (PI)
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المشروع: بحوث المنح الداخلية
Development of Low Fat and Low Sugar Omani Halwa
Rahman, S. (PI)
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المشروع: Other project
Age distribution and population projection in Oman
Rahman, S. (PI)
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المشروع: بحوث المنح الداخلية
Real-time scheduling in parallel machine systems
El-Bouri, A. (PI)
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المشروع: بحوث المنح الداخلية
Structural changes in biological materials during drying: a framework for developing quality fish products from raw agricultural materials from the Sultanate of Oman
Rahman, S. (PI)
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المشروع: MoHERI