Factors affecting academic poor performance of CEPS at SQU

  • Hossain, Md. Zakir (PI)

المشروع: بحوث المنح الداخلية

تفاصيل المشروع


This research will examine the real causes or factors responsible for our CEPS graduates? recent poor academic performances. In order to do that a sample of reasonable size needs to be collected purposively and a survey interview will be conducted to obtain data from the CEPS students who scored GPA less than 2.5. Data will also be collected from academics, administrative people and parents of the students. Both quantitative and qualitative approaches will be used in this study to meet the objective of the study.
تاريخ البدء/النهاية الساري٢/١/١٨١٢/٣١/١٩


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