المشروعات في السنة
نتائج البحث
Investigating the potential of hotel mergers in enhancing sector-wide performance of Oman?s hospitality industry
Oukil, A. (PI)
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المشروع: بحوث المنح الداخلية
Successful Implementation of eSCM: Investigating antecedents and consequences of the Climate for implementation of an innovation
Al Hajri, A. S. (PI)
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المشروع: بحوث المنح الداخلية
Shifting to an automated material handling system: A cost-efficiency analysis within pharmaceutical warehouses in Oman
El-Bouri, A. (PI)
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المشروع: بحوث المنح الداخلية
Smart Grid Integration for Intelligent Logistics in the GCC region
Al-Balushi, Z. (PI)
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المشروع: المشاريع المشتركة