262 Comparative investigation of haplotypes in a cohort of unrelated healthy volunteers and Omani CF patients

M.S. Al Ruhaili, T.A. Al Moqbali, A.K. Al Kindi, M. Al Salmani, G. Shivalingam, U.W. Fass

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Correlations were found between FEV 1 , BMI and CFRD. A steeper decline of FEV 1 was found in patients with PI and fungi colonization. The 6MWT was performed by 62% of the patients. Correlations were found between desaturation and lower FEV 1 , higher Residual Volume and increased number of PEX. Correlations were also identified between walked distance and fungi colonization, PaO2 at rest and PEx. Conclusion: PI and fungi colonization were the major markers of disease severity, characterized by a steeper decline in FEV 1. Desaturation in the 6MWT is linked to a higher number of PEx and fungi colonization also seems to be correlated with a more significant compromise in exercise capacity.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)S118
JournalJournal of Cystic Fibrosis
Publication statusPublished - Jun 2016

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