المشروعات في السنة
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Investigating language learning and pedagogy for blind and partially sighted students in Oman?s tertiary education
Abdullah Kharboosh Al Siyabi, J. (PI)
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المشروع: بحوث المنح الداخلية
1.Tuzlukova, V, Siyabi, J. Al-Kaabi, K., Hadra, M. (2021). Virtual professional development course on teaching visually impaired students: Focus on innovative ideas and technology. Asian Journal of Management Sciences & Education (AJMSE). http://ajmse.leena-luna.co.jp/ajmsevol10n2.php
Abdullah Kharboosh Al Siyabi, J., Said Salim Al Kaabi, K., Gafer Hassan Hadra, M. & Tuzlukova, V., 2021, في: Asian Journal of Management Sciences & Education (AJMSE). .نتاج البحث: المساهمة في مجلة › مقال › مراجعة النظراء
2.Al-Siyabi, J. (2018). Omani EFL undergraduate students’ knowledge of and attitudes towards essay writing. Journal of Second Language Teaching and Research, 6, 116-145.
Abdullah Kharboosh Al Siyabi, J., 2018, في: Journal of Second Language Teaching and Research.نتاج البحث: المساهمة في مجلة › مقال › مراجعة النظراء
3.Al-Mahrooqi, R., Denman, C., Siyabi, J., & Al-Maamari, F. (2015). Characteristics of a good EFL teacher: Omani EFL teacher and student perspectives. Sage Open, 1-15. DOI: 10.1177/2158244015584782: Characteristics of a good EFL teacher: Omani EFL teacher and student perspectives
Abdullah Kharboosh Al Siyabi, J., Al-Mahrooqi, R., Denman, C. & Al-Maamari, F., 2015, في: SAGE Open.نتاج البحث: المساهمة في مجلة › مقال › مراجعة النظراء
4.Tuzlukova, V, Greenwood, L, Al-Siyabi, J. (2013). Language Teachers’ Perceived Computer Self-efficacy: Identifying Knowledge and Skills Gaps for Teacher-driven Professional Development, Arab World English Journal, (4), 3, 284-299. Language Teachers’ Perceived Computer Self-efficacy: Identifying Knowledge and Skills Gaps for Teacher-driven Professional Development
Abdullah Kharboosh Al Siyabi, J., Tuzlukova, V. & Greenwood, L., 2013, في: Arab World English Journal (AWEJ).نتاج البحث: المساهمة في مجلة › مقال › مراجعة النظراء
Al-Siyabi, J. (2012). Cultural Universalities and Peculiarities: A Case Study of Omani EFL SQU Students. In A. Mahmoud, & R. Al Mahrooqi (ed). Issues in Teaching and Learning English as a Foreign Language in the Arab World. (67-97). Muscat: Sultan Qaboos University.
Abdullah Kharboosh Al Siyabi, J., 2012, Cultural Universalities and Peculiarities: A Case Study of Omani EFL SQU Students: Sultan Qaboos University.. Muscatنتاج البحث: Chapter