Training in information and documentation sciences in the Maghreb countries under the frenzied development of digital technology

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference contribution


Information technology and communications now represent essential means to generalize and access to scientific and technical information. However, despite the continuing evolution of these technologies, it is very difficult to generalize their uses, which causes the digital divide. Indeed, the material and cultural difficulties, which significantly affected the southern countries, prevent the citizens of these countries to access and appropriate these technologies, and therefore, there are more and more of the “excluded technologically”. For these raisons, reforms in the education and training and development of skills are necessary for all trades and all specialties, especially in the field of information and documentation sciences where the performance of the profession and training are based primarily on the new information technologies.
In this context, the Maghreb countries are trying to develop the sector of communications and information, disseminating digital culture and building the "information society". They are trying also to restructure their university training programs by adopting the system "LMD" with the aim of creating flexibility and international comparability while giving more importance to the training in and with the information and communication technology.
Our work aims to see how far countries Maghreb managed to expand the digital culture and integrate information and communication technology in the training in the field of library and documentation and archives sciences, and to what extent this integration responds to the demands of new jobs in this area, and this through an analytical study of the sector’s information hardware infrastructure and training programs in each of these countries while Taking into account what is happening in the northern countries.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationConference on Human resources for libraries, information centers and archives, Abu Dhabi,
Publication statusPublished - Feb 19 2008


  • Information and communication technologies
  • University training
  • Information and documentation field
  • Maghreb Countries

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