The Impact of the CISG on the Domestic Law of Electronic Transactions in the Arab World

amel abdallah

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingChapter (peer-reviewed)peer-review


the chapter explores the problems in applying the CISG requirement of the
internationality of a contract on the sale of goods to electronic contracts. Also addressed
is the harmonization of CISG provisions – with regard to the opinion of the CISG Advisory
Council concerning electronic communications under the CISG – and the Arab laws on
electronic transactions that take into account the principle of informality (Part 1.3). Finally,
the chapter examines issues arising out of the formation of IESG in the light of CISG provisions
and the Arab legal environment (Part 1.4).
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationThe Electronic CISG
Publishereleven international publishing
Number of pages20
ISBN (Print)978-94-6236-751-7
Publication statusPublished - Apr 1 2017

Publication series

Nameinternational commerce and arbitration
Publishereleven international publishing


  • CISG- E.transaction-Arab laws


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