Remote Sensing Techniques for Investigating Natural Resources Deterioration: Application on Agricultural Degradation in Sultanate Oman

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingChapter


Agriculture is an important economic sector that provides food and other resources for the global population. However, various environmental and climatic issues, such as declining arable areas, erosion, climate change, water scarcity, drought, cyclones, crop and livestock pests, disease and infection, and soil salinity, pose growing challenges to agricultural sustainability. These difficulties can lead to agricultural land degradation, affecting crop productivity and food security considerably. Remote sensing techniques involve the use of satellite or aerial pictures to analyze and monitor the status of agricultural land. These strategies can be used to identify and quantify agricultural degradation indicators, such as soil erosion, crop stress, and insect infestations. One of the most important advantages of remote sensing in this application is its capacity to cover enormous expanses of land rapidly and effectively without requiring ground-based measurements. This enables a more frequent and thorough investigation of agricultural conditions, which may be used to influence management decisions and to prevent the negative consequences of degradation. These strategies can provide valuable insights into the health and productivity of agricultural fields and assist in identifying areas that may require further improvement.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationNatural Resources Deterioration in MENA Region
EditorsAyad M. Fadhil Al-Quraishi, Yaseen T. Mustafa
Place of PublicationEarth and Environmental Sciences Library
PublisherSpringer, Cham
ISBN (Electronic)978-3-031-58315-5
ISBN (Print)978-3-031-58314-8
Publication statusPublished - May 4 2024

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