Personalizing semantic information networks

Abderrazak Mkadmi, Everardo Reyes, Nasreddine Bouhai

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference contribution


With the development of XML like language of structuring and exchange of data which has as an objective to separate structure and contained documents, like by its possibilities of defining metadata being equipped of more than precision and of relevance, the documents on the Web become comprehensible as well by the men by the machines. We try in this article to present a description of the possibilities of creating and/or to recover informations spaces starting from the Web, often little structured and thus not very exploitable, and of being able to make them more structured and more semantic, by exploiting the flexibility and extensibility of XML language. This description is done with the system "HyWebMap".
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationICTTA
Subtitle of host publicationDamascus, Syria
Publication statusPublished - 2004


  • Information network
  • XML
  • Structured documents,
  • XML Databases.
  • information space
  • Web semantic,
  • XML Language
  • XML Schemas,

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