Novel cortex lytic enzymes in Bacillus megaterium QM B1551 spores

Bahja Al Riyami, Abhinaba Ghosh, Eric J Rees, Graham Christie

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3 Citations (Scopus)


Present models for spore germination in Bacillus species include a requirement for either the SleB or CwlJ cortex lytic enzymes to efficiently depolymerise the spore cortex. Previous work has demonstrated that B. megaterium spores may differ to other species in this regard, since sleB cwlJ null mutant spores complemented with the gene in trans for the non-peptidoglycan lysin YpeB can efficiently degrade the cortex. Here, we identify two novel cortex lytic enzymes, encoded at the BMQ_2391 and BMQ_3234 loci, which are essential for cortex hydrolysis in the absence of SleB and CwlJ. Ellipsoid localisation microscopy places the BMQ_3234 protein within the inner-spore coat, a region of the spore that is populated by other cortex lytic enzymes. The findings reinforce the idea that there is a degree of variation in mechanisms of cortex hydrolysis across the Bacillales, raising potential implications for environmental decontamination strategies based upon targeted inactivation of components of the spore germination apparatus.

Original languageUndefined/Unknown
Article numberfnz146
Pages (from-to)fnz146
JournalFEMS Microbiology Letters
Issue number12
Publication statusPublished - 2019


  • Bacillus
  • cortex lytic enzyme
  • peptidoglycan lysin
  • spore germination

ASJC Scopus subject areas

  • General Medicine

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