Employing the Arabic Mathematical Symbol Application System Using Arabic Pack for Math Type Software

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingChapter


Arabic mathematical expressions use special symbols and usually written from right to left. Most of Arabic users are facing problem of adding special Arabic mathematical symbols specifically these symbols supposed to be written in the Arabic format (from right to left) and don’t find all these special symbols in typing all the related applications. The proposed system will use software and tools including Arabic Pack for Math Type with paints. It includes all Arabic symbols to be inserted in the different applications such as MS Word and MS Power Point. The application system will facilitate the insertion of all symbols in the applications and allows users to maximize, minimize, edit and format these symbols easily. The configuration of the system is very easy and automatically be added to MS Word and Power Point application bars.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationB P International Joins SDG Publishers Compact
Place of PublicationIndia
Publication statusPublished - Feb 15 2020

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