Urban Governance and Planning: An assessment of Urban Service delivery in selected municipalities in Oman

Project: Internal Grants (IG)

Project Details


Urbanization is one of the phenomenon that faces various countries around the world. In Oman, as it is the case in many other developing countries, this issue is connected with the quantity as well as the quality of the services delivery system in urban areas. This study aims at assessing the current statues of urban development and service delivery in Oman. The role of the municipalities in urban development will be investigated and explored. To be able to measure the role of the local governance, the study will collect both primary (filed works such as surveys, focus group discussions and interviews with officials in the selected municipalities as well as central ministries such as the Ministry of Regional Municipalities and Water Resources) and secondary data (reviewing the existing studies and evaluating the current polices and legislative documents in delivery services. Expected results will identify challenges of services delivery in Omani cities and proposed reforms will be presented.
Effective start/end date1/1/1912/31/20


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