Translational Research Related to Gestational Diabetes

  • Norstedt, Carl (PI)

Project: Collaborative Project

Project Details


Gestational diabetes (GDM) is a common complication of pregnancy and the condition has links to both life style and genetic factors. Studies on human subjects indicate that GDM leads to an increased risk for the offspring to later in life develop chronic disorders. The aims of the project are: (i) to collect blood samples from GDM patients to obtain sequence information on candidate genes including the prolactin receptor, (ii) to investigate the effects of placental hormones on the structure and function of the normal heart. It is important to better understand the pathophysiology of GDM, identify genetic markers for GDM, and to elucidate to role of placental hormone on heart functions. The results of this project will provide new insight into the pathophysiology of GDM and the mechanisms of action of placental hormones on the heart.
Effective start/end date1/1/1812/31/19


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