The reality of the practices of parents and teachers in the language development of children in early childhood in the Sultanate of Oman

Project: Internal Grants (IG)

Project Details


Early childhood is one of the most important stages of a person?s life, in which his personality and basic skills are formed, and it is the starting point for human growth in all physical, mental, emotional, social and linguistic aspects. Their ages in society express their feelings, knowledge, ideas, news, and relationships, and write down what they wish to document in terms of knowledge, literary, artistic and other productions, and devote areas of care to issues related to the development of language in children. Rather, it is the result of their interaction with their environment and their influence on those around them in their lives, which contributes to the development of their language skills through communication, imitation and simulation of the individuals around them. The family has an important role in following up the linguistic development of children in an organized manner by using successful methods in language development and acquiring basic language skills for them, and endearing them to their mother tongue and preserving them from being affected by foreign vocabulary and dialects at the expense of learning their mother tongue. However, several studies, including one (Al-Qaryouti, 2013) And the study (Al-Aysari, 2014) and the study (Tiqani 2017) showed the family?s preoccupation with the performance of its role entrusted to it in this aspect, in addition to the presence of many foreign influences and the use of electronic space, which led to the presence of many difficulties standing in the way of the linguistic development of children, and the need to activate the role of The family through positive, organized practices that, in turn, contribute to the development of children's language. The role of teachers is also essential in developing and developing children?s language at these stages, and the positive practices that teachers do in various ways and strategies that are attractive to the child will have a positive impact on children?s language acquisition, while the negative practices that may be issued by some teachers in providing good linguistic models For children, it will have a significant impact on delaying their linguistic development, and the study (Al-Hashemi, Abdullah et al. 2005), and the study (Zakkar 2015) confirmed the need for teachers in kindergarten and the first cycle of basic education for more qualification and training on modern methods and strategies. To develop the language of children in the early stages of education). Hence, the study seeks to measure the reality of family practices represented by the parents and the practices of early education teachers in the linguistic development of children in the early childhood stage. Specifically, the study will answer the following questions: 1- To what extent do parents and teachers practice language development methods for their children in early childhood? 2-What are the challenges that families and teachers face in the language development of their children in early childhood? 3- Are there statistically significant differences in the degree to which parents and teachers practice language development methods for their children in early childhood due to the variables: the caregiver (parents, teachers), gender, educational level, and the parents? economic level? The sample will consist of parents and early childhood caregivers in a number of governorates of the Sultanate, and the study sample will be from female teachers in a number of governorates of the Sultanate. Then the researchers will collect and analyze the data, and the study will use the descriptive approach, and averages, deviations, frequencies and percentages will be used to get answers to the study's questions, and write the technical report. The study is expected to provide results that clarify the strengths in the practices of parents and teachers for the development of children's language in order to strengthen it.
Effective start/end date1/1/2212/31/24


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