The impact of phubbing on computer-mediated communication competencies

Project: Internal Grants (IG)

Project Details


While smartphone use has many benefits and undoubtedly facilitates social interactions, its negative consequences have also been reported. A tendency to look at one's mobile device while interacting with others during professional meetings and social gatherings is referred to as 'phubbing'. Individuals who ignore and snub others in social encounters may disturb communication and make the audience feel disrespected. This study aims to understand the impact of phubbing behavior on communication competence. We expect that being engaged in phubbing behavior may impact the students' communication competence in terms of attentiveness, expressiveness, appropriateness, effectiveness, and clarity. We also hypothesize that this relationship is a function of students' academic performance and personality traits. This study will help us to understand the impact of phubbing behavior on communication competence.
Effective start/end date1/1/2412/31/24


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