The Hurdle of the Middle East Leadership

Project: Internal Grants (IG)

Project Details


According to some realist scholars there were/are some candidate countries in practice to be a regional power in the Middle East, such Egypt and Sudan from South, Saudi Arabia from the Gulf, Iran and Turkey from north. Sudan and Egypt have lost the mentioned opportunity because of domestic issues namely lost legitimacy and separatist movements; Saudi Arabia has a lot of negative internal reasons, such as low population, economic imbalance and harsh interpretations. According to some, competition continues between Iran and Turkey as two old civilizations.Integration theory points out that regional leadership needs tangible powers such as population, land, natural resources, military and economy; and intangible powers, national morale, diplomatic experience, governmental skills and dominant culture in the region. Leadership necessitates not only hard power but also soft power and maybe most importantly legitimacy and mutual acceptance in the region. Real leader does not only have the tangible power components, but also should use its intangible powers to resolve regional issues like Germany in Europe. In the first step of this research, tangible powers will be compared among the potential leaders; all components will be given ?value points? and tangible powers will be transformed to numeric. Such as Population is 2, Land is 2, Economy is 4, Military is 4, Natural resources is 1. In the second step, with the same way, intangible powers will be measured by indicating value points and an intangible value will be found. Such as governmental experience is 3, diplomatic skills is 4, culture is 2 and national morale is 4. All studied potential states will be elaborated from official documents, UN sources and political ranking companies to reach concrete data and will be reacted to the value points. In the third phase, social acts on mediation, arbitration and official efforts will be elaborated on the way of legitimacy and mutual acceptance by the other states. Forth phrase will include an electronic survey among the Middle East peoples to measure their potential regional leader tendency. At the end of the research those 4 components will evaluated with hybrid technique (quantitative and qualitative) and potential 2 leader will be found, their futuristic implications will be indicated possible policy alternatives will be suggested.
Effective start/end date2/1/1810/31/18


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