The 3D XML Benchmark: Adding the Data Dimension

  • Al-Badawi, Mohammed (PI)

Project: Internal Grants (IG)

Project Details


In the context of the XML database management, XML benchmarking is a mechanism for evaluating and comparing the performance of new XML developments against the existing XML technology. The 3D XML Benchmark (3DXB) is a contribution in this direction was firstly introduced in [Al-Badawi et al., 210]. The main aim of the research is to investigate the notion of adding the andlsquo;Data Dimension functionality to the specifications of the 3DXB. The current model of the 3DXB varies three XML aspects of the underlying XML dataset. These variables are the size of the database in terms of number of nodes, the depth (i.e. number of levels) and the breadth (i.e. average fanouts). The new extension aims to test the effect of the targeted data location (i.e. its distance from the root node) on the XML querying performance. Like in the relational database, the strength of the used indexing algorithm is expected to play a major role retrieving the desirable data from the underlying database. The research alsoaims to formulate the existing algorithms (of the 3DXB) and the newly developed algorithms in an integrated tool which will be published under the SQU s website so that it can accessed by the researchers in this field. The tool will offer the researchers a way of preparing the Extended 3DXB environment for their development evolutions.
Effective start/end date1/1/1412/31/16


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