Study the chemotherapy associated effects on oxidative stress and the concurrent use of antioxidant supplements on the antioxidants status in Omani cancer patients

Project: Internal Grants (IG)

Project Details


Cancer incidence is on the rise across the globe and is one of the main causes of mortality in developing countries leading to an increased burden on health care system worldwide. In Oman, cancer incidence is also on the increase. Prostate cancer is among the top ten cancers in Oman and 2nd most common in men. Most of Omani patients present at late stages at diagnosis and are incurable. The role of PSA (once considered to be robust diagnostic tool and was used widely world over for response assessment and screening as well) is being questioned now and need for new and reliable tumor marker cannot be over stressed. Cell Free DNA (cfDNA) in circulation is a new emerging tumor marker for many cancers including prostate cancer. Various investigators have used cfDNA as diagnostic tools and one study has used as response assessment in prostate cancer but there is need of more large studies and data is not available from this part of the world. We hypothesize that cfDNA can be used as diagnostic and response assessment tool for different treatment options in prostate cancer patients. The cfDNA levels will be correlated with PSA and scan results to assess its sensitivity and specificity. Moreover, a panel of relevant genes involved in Prostate cancer will be assessed for their mutational/deletions/SNP status using exome sequencing using next generation sequencing (Ion Proton) (NGS).
Effective start/end date1/1/1612/31/18


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