Scrubber Modification for the Removal of Ammonia and Hydrogen Sulphide from Compost Gas Emissions in the Gulf Mushroom Products

Project: HM Grants ( Strategic)

Project Details


During the composting process, ammonia and hydrogen sulfide are produced. In the Gulf Mushroom Products Company, the air from the composting area is withdrawn and then passed through a series of scrubbers. Currently, the absorbing solutions for ammonia and hydrogen sulfide are not suitable and consequently, the gaseous emissions escape the scrubber processes causing environmental hazards. In addition, the scrubbers are working parallel as each of them receives gaseous emissions from different areas in the compost yard. As ammonia and hydrogen sulfide are different chemicals, they cannot be removed efficiently in one scrubber. Thus, a unit of two consecutive scrubbers is required one of them will remove ammonia and the other will remove sulfide. Thirdly an optimization of air suction rate will be carried out to keep an optimum contact time with the gas bubbles.
Effective start/end date1/1/1212/31/12


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