Risks and Epidemiology of Infant Botulism (IB) in Oman

Project: Internal Grants (IG)

Project Details


Infant botulism (IB) is a rare neuromuscular illness caused by Clostridium ??botulinum, an anaerobic bacterium that invades the large intestine and releases ??neurotoxins (Red Book, 2018). Data about IB cases in Oman does not exist. The ?diagnosis of IB in Oman merely relies on infant?s clinical presentation and the ?treatment is primarily symptomatic. Many cases may have been undetected or ?inefficiently managed. The literature does not include data presenting the infant feeding ?practices associated with IB including rate of infant honey ingestion. This level of ?uncertainty necessitates uncovering essential data about the epidemiology of IB in ?Oman and its associated risk factors. Therefore, this proposed study aim to examine the ?size of IB risk in Oman through conducting a national surveillance related to infant ?feeding practices and beliefs associated with IB and the reported cases of IB in Oman.? ? We will follow a cross-sectional study design and conveniently recruit a ?nationally representative sample of infants (N=9900) brought to the health centers for ?vaccinations. The infants? mothers will be asked to fill a data collection form designed ?to meet the study objectives. Researchers will collect data from different health care ?centers located in the eleven Governorates in the Sultanate of Oman. Participants' ?characteristics will be presented using mean, standard deviation, frequency and ??percentages. The prevalence of introducing honey to infants in Oman will be explored ??using the prevalence equation; Prevalence = (Number of cases in the population at one ?time)??/ (Total Population at the same point in time). Surveillance of reported confirmed ?or suspected cases of IB will also be conducted.?
Effective start/end date1/1/2312/31/24


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