Regional comparison of coral reefs between Qatar and Oman: examining the role of environment in shaping the health of coral reefs and their microbiomes

Project: Collaborative Project

Project Details


Coral reefs are dynamic marine ecosystems providing valuable good and services and their health is crucial for countless ecologically and economically important marine organisms. Unfortunately, coral reef ecosystems are in severe decline, due to chronic local stress from coastal pollution, overfishing, habitat destruction and the impacts of global climate change. Outbreaks of coral disease have also contributed to substantial losses of coral cover worldwide and the frequency of disease outbreaks are predicted to increase through time. There is limited information about coral diseases in the Arabian Gulf and the Sea of Oman. We propose to examine the role of environmental extremes in influencing the health of coral reefs and their associated microbiomes by comparing coral communities, disease prevalence and coral microbiomes in two contrasting environments: Qatar (Arabian Gulf) and Oman (Sea of Oman). This collaborative research between Qatar University and Sultan Qaboos University will provide much needed information about the current health state of coral reefs in the Gulf region and help answer questions concerning the host-pathogen dynamics of marine diseases. The research team will work closely with environmental managers in Oman and Qatar, sharing results from the project and developing locally tailored Response Action Plans. During the project, particular emphasis will be placed on capacity building through the training of students and young researchers from Qatar University and Sultan Qaboos University and raising public awareness.
Effective start/end date9/6/2112/31/22


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