Random Walk Models for Non-Markovian Intracellular and Cell Transports

Project: Internal Grants (IG)

Project Details


Despite the well-defined biological roles and functions of the motor proteins, their collective dynamic behavior still remains unclear. Recent observations suggest that cells and intracellular transport does not follow the conventional concept of diffusion; instead, it exhibits a combination of active superdiffusive and subdiffusion motion. We aim to develop probabilistic models to better understand the mechanism of cells movements and transportation of cargoes for intracellular transport and , using non-Markovian velocity random walks. Specifically, the main objective of this study is to incorporate a removal rate or/and reaction terms; and power law distributed rest times into a persistent random walk model, resulting in anomalous diffusion. We will validate the model using numerical analysis and emphasize the importance of superdiffusion and subdiffusion in intracellular transport properties.
Effective start/end date1/1/2412/31/24


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