Quantitative Assessment of Land use dynamic in Dhofar, Oman

  • Ramadan, Elnazir (PI)

Project: Internal Grants (IG)

Project Details


The world is entering a new era in which rapid land use and environmental changes are altering ecosystems. In Dhofar, development has changed land use and land value. The resultant change has affected pastoralism and livestock which is a national wealth. Equally, the floral and wildlife have been affected. This project aims at studying the impact of the current land use change in Dhofar. The study focusses on the effects of onging land use change on the forests, wildlife, tourism and on Dhofar?s greenary.The study will also examine the pattern and rate of urbanization in the region and its impact on the future prospects of traditional pastoralism. The study will be conducted through a variety of data collection methods including both primary methods (fieldwork) and secondary methods. Data collection and analysis methods will include remote sensing and GIS as well. Therefore, the study anticipates to draw the attention of Dhofar Governate and other concerned authorities to this reality. The study will also calls for a balanced land use policy and planning that accommodates all constituents. Indeed, development can easily deviate from its principal objectives.
Effective start/end date1/1/1712/31/18


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