Proposed art marketing strategy for Art Education Department atSultan Qaboos University, Oman

Project: Internal Grants (IG)

Project Details


This research aims to identify whether art education departmentsapply any strategies or polices to market artwork produced by bachelor students. Every year, students produce several works of art that are part of the curriculum. course lecturers assist with creating the artworkat the end of each semester, and it is put on public display in annual exhibition. However, it is then kept in storage for years. This research investigates this problem and tries to find ways to help departments sell these works of art or display them in local galleries or on the internet. It is believed that art education students should learn how to market their artwork and what effective strategies can be used. This research will utilise several research tools, such as surveys, to achieve its aims and objectives. The research team will describe and analyses the results using scientific research methods.
Effective start/end date1/1/1512/31/16


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