Physical activity level and its relationship to anthropometric measurements and motor abilities In Omani children aged (10-14) years.

Project: Internal Grants (IG)

Project Details


Increasing both cardiorespiratory fitness, motor abilities and physical activity levels and reducing inactivity in children and adolescents are associated with many physical, psychological and mental health benefits. Regular physical activity represents one of the most important means to improve the lifestyle of individuals. School physical activity aims to prepare the individual physically, socially, mentally and psychologically. It includes physical exercises, games, matches and competitions that an individual performs inside or outside the school with the aim to develop his motor and physical skills. On the other hand, cardiorespiratory fitness is an important health indicator of the efficiency of the circulatory and respiratory systems in children and adolescents, which is associated with many health benefits. Several studies have found an inverse association between obesity and higher levels of cardiorespiratory fitness. Therefore, obesity represents the main source of a person?s risk to develop many chronic diseases. It is believed that the main causes of the prevalence of obesity depend on the contemporary lifestyle of physical inactivity and the increased consumption of high calorie foods. In addition, anthropometric measurements, which are known as "the science that studies the measurements of the human body and its parts and showing structural differences in it? are related to many physical components, motor abilities and sport performance. In fact, mobility abilities are qualities that are acquired by students from the environment can be developed according to his physical, sensory and cognitive ability through training and practice. The importance of creating a database in the Sultanate of Oman through which real levels of physical activity, lethargy and cardiorespiratory fitness are assessed as a basis for health programs for children and adolescents. Many researchers are interested in the field of assessment of levels of physical activity and inactivity by using modern and reliable tools such as the Accelerometer, which measures these parameters with a high degree of accuracy. The researchers noted the scarcity of application of this type of studies in the Sultanate of Oman using objective tools. According to the researchers' knowledge, one study was applied to the motor abilities of the 6-9 age groups and did not address the levels of physical activity and cardiorespiratory fitness, anthropometric measurements and the relationship between them. Furthermore, these studies were not applied to different age groups, especially in adolescence. In view of the importance of this type of studies the aim of the present study is to classify physical activities and to examine the relationship between them and cardiorespiratory fitness, motor abilities and anthropometric measurements in Omani children and adolescents aged from (10-14) years.
Effective start/end date2/1/2112/31/23


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