Optimization of Wavelets in Signal Enhancement Studies

Project: Internal Grants (IG)

Project Details


Wavelet transform and its offshoots such as wavelet packet transform (WPT), stationary wavelet transform (SWT) etc play a significant role in extracting useful information from non-stationary signals and also data/image compression in comparison with the traditional Fourier transform (FT), short time Fourier transform (STFT) etc for adequate level of time-frequency resolution. However, the right choice of mother wavelet ensure the ultimate desired results in all fields. We therefore propose this research with an objective to bring out an optimization scheme of mother wavelets amongst available wavelets such as Marlet /Mexican hat/Ricker wavelets etc or construct a couple of novel wavelets in the study of some biomedical signals as well as seismic signals.
Effective start/end date1/1/2012/31/21


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