Magnetic and structural properties of Nanocrystalline Gd1-xYxCrO3 Perovskites

Project: Internal Grants (IG)

Project Details


The presence of magnetization reversal and exchange bias in orthochromites (RCrO3) have made them one of the important class of interesting materials due to their potential applications in magnetic recording and switches. Also, the RCrO3 materials are P-type semiconductors that have been reported to show electronic sensitivity toward humidity, methanol, ethanol and gases such as H2, CO, NO, N2O ..etc., a property that is useful for the sensor application The proposed work is on gadolinium perovskites nanocomposites. The magnetic properties of these materials can be tuned from room temperature to low temperatures by substituting magnetic Gadolinium by nonmagnetic Yttrium. This approach is promising and offers a huge potential for further studies and technological applications.
Effective start/end date1/1/2012/31/21


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