Interdisciplinarity as an approach to bridge the competencies divide between academic preparation and job market's need

  • Al Delabi, Naeema (PI)

Project: Internal Grants (IG)

Project Details


Higher education is seen by many researchers, including Nash and Jang as being factories marketing many batches of unified template of graduates to the job market, (Nash and Jang, 2014:95). This is apparent from the disciplines' orientation towards feeding their students with a static package of educational knowledge and which may not lead to adding professional value to their preparation. . On the other side , there is a growing trend towards interdisciplinarity as an approach for moving from hiring narrowly focused specialists to individuals with interdisciplinary academic qualification. In the Sultanate of Oman there is another shift towards Omanization which has not been intended to sacrifice the knowledge, expertise, practical skills and best practices, but on how to localize the job market. And that may leave a gap between the jobs localization and knowledge localization. Hence this study tends to analyze the evidences that will be obtained from job ads, employers' perspectives and educational programs in an attempt to study the correlation factor between job market' needs and academic preparation.
Effective start/end date1/11/1710/31/19


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