Interactive web service composition in pervasive systems

Project: Internal Grants (IG)

Project Details


Nowadays, with the massive diffusion of information technologies, the spectrum of interfaces and interaction devices has expanded in recent years to better integrate with their physical environments of use. Multi-device distributed interaction in pervasive systems demands more and more efforts for integrating efficiently the human-computer interaction (HCI). This trend resulted in gathering developers and end-users in different tasks, particularly, the interactive Web services composition (WSC) task. Indeed, to search for solutions that go beyond their individual limited views, an increasing demand of collaboration among users has emerged. However, they are still facing uncomfortable situations especially when they are invited to select the appropriate Web service among functionally similar ones. More support is then needed to provide an effective composition. In this regard, a group recommender system providing the required functionality while considering the users? preferences, might be highly useful. The main objective of this research project is to present a holistic process spanning from capturing users requirements, constructing a global goal model reflecting their intentions to performing a collaborative, interactive WSC performed by different users acting through a pervasive system that is now widely known by its high level of elasticity an plasticity.
Effective start/end date1/1/2012/31/21


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