Impact of Ostomy stoma on the perceived Health-related Quality of life, level of stoma adjustment and social support of adult Omani patients living with stoma

Project: Internal Grants (IG)

Project Details


Placing a stoma to redirect abdominal wastes is a common surgery done as a treatment for different types of gastrointestinal diseases, especially colorectal cancers. While the physical problems caused by stoma are not insignificant ranging from local care to damaging complications from multiple surgeries, its psychological effects are probably equally devastating, but they are most often ignored. The major psychological problems caused by stomas affect patients? quality of life. Distorted body image, impaired sexuality, and deterioration of work and social life are some of the major problems observed in stoma patients which can cause depression, anxiety and low quality of life. Moreover, social support from family and friends also is an important factor in improving the quality of life of these patients. All of these factors can lead to a detrimental quality of life in patients with stoma and difficulty in adjusting to the psychological and social dimensions of their daily lives. We were not able to find any study carried out in Oman investigating the quality of life of patients with stomas. Moreover, the religious well-being of Omani patients with a stoma should be investigated to see how this population is coping with the disease. Postoperative psychosocial adjustment is important and indispensable for patients with a stoma and should also be explored. Therefore, the aim of our study is to assess the perceived health-related quality of life, religious orientation, and level of adjustment of Omani patients with stomas. Moreover, we aim at developing strategies to improve these factors like providing more counselling and support hoping to enhance the quality of life of Omani patients with stomas.
Effective start/end date1/1/2312/31/25


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