How the geomorphological system responses to climate changes and how the geomorphometric contrast of the drainages basin and ANN models can be used as predictor for the precipitation

Project: Internal Grants (IG)

Project Details


This research focuses on answering the question of how the geomorphological system responses to climate changes and how the geomorphometric contrast of the drainages basin and ANN models can be used as predictor for the precipitation. The strengthening of the summer monsoon rain (June ? September) on the escarpment of the Dhofar margin ~ 15Ma ago have had a critical influence on the mechanisms and rates of escarpment morphology. During the current monsoon-starved, the drainages are receiving different amount of rain, the western and central drainages experienced a foggy, moist climate while the eastern drainages remained much drier. The presence of imbalanced growth of the drainage basins at the study area at the southeast coast of Arabian Peninsula leaves us with two new challenges: (1) the contrasted morphology of the escarpments at Dhofar margin is controlled by climate change in space and time, and the strength of the monsoon wind is controlled by this escarpment direction and that resulted in the abrupt changes from humid to arid areas along the escarpment strike (Al Abri et al., 2021; Petit et al., 2007). (2) the distributional impact of climatic indices and the global sea surface temperatures (SSTs), can be interpreted as evidence for a disturbed steady state of the landscape resulting from oscillatory changes in climate state (Al Abri, A. and Fagherazzi, S., 2021).
Effective start/end date1/1/2412/31/26


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