High resolution domain wall investigation in nanodevices

Project: Internal Grants (IG)

Project Details


Magnetic materials are widely used in our life. They can be found in most of electronic devices, power supplies, telecommunication devices, memory storage in hard disk drives ? etc. For each application, the magnetic materials properties have to be adjusted with several requirements. In our previous study, we constructed a magneto-optical Kerr microscope for the characterization of magnetic materials with emphasize to domain wall motion. The setup is working properly for imaging devices down to even 0.5 micron. For domain wall investigation, it can be used for down to about 1 micron. In many cases, the domains are not very clear and may not even been seen for less than 1 micron. To have a better resolution, it is important to carry out signal processing using a high-resolution camera. In this project? we will work on integrating a camera which will be running under a program to control the key parameters such as subtracting the noise signal and improving the magnetic domain contrast in real time.
Effective start/end date1/1/2012/31/20


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