Genetic diversity and molecular evolution of Carica papaya virus populations: A valuable tool for epidemiological studies

Project: MoHERI

Project Details


Carica papaya is grown in different parts of the world. Papaya fruit is a rich source of vitamin A, B1 as well as proteolytic enzymes that help in digesting protein-rich food. In Oman, it is cultivated as a major crop in Dhofar Governorate, covering about 130 ha with an annual production of 20 tonnes. Similar to other vegetable and fruit crops C. papaya plants have also been infected by different pathogens particularly bacteria, fungi and viruses. Among them virus pathogens are more destructive due to their mode of infection, transmission and nature of dissemination. Although begomoviral disease complexes are prevalent in other crops (tomato chillies, mungbean, cassava, watermelon) in Oman; less or no attention has been given to this important fruit crop. The main objective of this study is to investigate the epidemiology and molecular evolution of C. papaya viruses in Oman by surveying different farms throughout Oman. The study will also investigate genetic diversity as well as virus sequence variability within the infected plants. Pathogen identification is highly crucial to design resistance management strategies against viral infections.
Effective start/end date1/1/2012/31/22


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