Evaluation of Cognitive Gains, Skill Competency, Anxiety Levels, Self-Efficacy, and Satisfaction in Peer Tutoring Participants versus Non-participants: A Comparative Study

Project: Internal Grants (IG)

Project Details


Peer tutoring or peer teaching is a teaching strategy that has become increasingly popular. This approach is based on shared learning among students who cooperate and mutually assist each other. Peer tutoring is a process known to result in cognitive gains for both the tutors and the tutees. When students help each other studying in peer tutoring learning happens and many studies showed a beneficial effect of this method on communication skills, confidence, social support among students but most importantly cognitive gain. Nursing students are known to experience a higher level of stress and anxiety compared to students from other curricula, to address this issue, peer teaching has been implemented in many institutions to mitigate anxiety and stress levels in nursing students. The self-efficacy of nursing students, which refers to their belief in their ability to succeed in a particular task, affects their perception. When senior nursing students were hired to help junior nursing students practice skills, most of them reported an increase in their self-efficacy and confidence in performing the skills. Skill training is essential in Basic Nursing education as it is the foundation for the students to build their high-level skills. The foundation must be more vital to prepare the students for their direct clinical experience with the patients and their safe care. The peer tutoring program is an individualized, shared learning method and an efficient approach to teaching Nursing students. Many universities utilized these peer tutoring strategies as one of the approaches to educational methods. But in the Nursing field, we found less research on this approach, especially the senior students as peer tutors, and its effect on improving competency, self-confidence, and anxiety among peer tutees in performing skills. Hence this study specifically to better understand the effect of Peer tutoring on competency, anxiety, self-confidence, and satisfaction among nursing students. A quantitative approach with Quasi experimental design is suitable for the study, thus the researchers have chosen Posttest only design. Data analysis will be performed using SPSS Statistics version 26.0 (IBM), with statistical significance set at p 0.05. Descriptive statistics, including means, standard deviations, frequencies, and percentages, will be used to describe the sample's demographics and study variables. The inferential statistics will be used to answer the research questions where a two-tailed independent t-test will be performed to compare the meaning of the competency, and anxiety between the experimental and control groups. ANOVA will be used to compare the mean of competency and other categorical variables. Multiple linear regression will be used to model the relationship between the competency scores and other variables.
Effective start/end date1/1/2412/31/24


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