Educational attainment and Literate Life Expectancy in Oman Gender and regional scenario

Project: Internal Grants (IG)

Project Details


Education plays an important role in human capital development. However, measuring human quality of life is academically challenging. Although the human development index (HDI) developed by UNDP captures the overall country level status on human welfare, it s main limitation lies on intensive data need. Recently, a more simplified index has been developed by Lutz (1995) called andlsquo;Literate life expectancy (LLE) which can be used as an alternative to HDI. LLE, computed by using life table method, is based on age-specific mortality rates and age-specific proportions of literate. The LLE can be calculated for subpopulations depending on the availability of data. The long and short term goals of the proposed study includes: (1) suggesting LLE as an alternative to HDI at national and regional level with gender and urban-rural differentials; (2) analyzing trends since 1993 onward and making future projections of LLE; (3) assess the educational attainment in Oman from gender and regional perspectives and making future projections. The findings of the study may have important policy implications for national and regional development planning in Oman. The project will have scope for the graduate and undergraduate students of Statistics group of DOMAS to undertake final year projects.
Effective start/end date1/1/1612/31/16


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