Doping in Sultanate of Oman: Prevalence, knowledge, attitudes, and intentions

Project: Internal Grants (IG)

Project Details


In Oman, it is well evident that a vast proportion of gym users (e.g., bodybuilders and participants in fitness classes) and elite athletes could use Performance Enhancing Drugs (PEDs) and doping substances to increase their muscle mass, improve physical appearance, and to achieve better sport outcomes. Nevertheless, very little, if any, has been done to study doping prevalence, knowledge, attitudes, and intention or to educate young people in Oman. Therefore, the present research is aiming to investigate: (a) the prevalence of doping in young Omanis (aged 16 ? 25 years) involved in elite and leisure sports; (b) the demographical characteristics (age, level of education, occupation, types of sport) of this population using (PEDs) and doping substances; (c) knowledge level and attitude regarding (PEDs: creatine, amino acids,) and doping substances (e.g., growth hormone, anabolic steroids); (d) intentions to use (PEDs) and doping substances in the future. The expected findings of this research can be serve as platform in designing effective anti-doping educational programmes and interventions that prevent athletes and nonathletes from doping by increasing their awareness of the prohibited list of doping substances and the negative consequences of doping in heath and sporting career.
Effective start/end date1/1/2012/31/23


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