Digital Literacies and First-Year Compositions of Omani EFL Learners: Perceptions and Composition Processes

Project: Internal Grants (IG)

Project Details


In academic contexts, students? digital literacy practices are often underrated especially when they clash with traditional academic literacies of reading and writing (e.g., Gee, 1990; Street, 2003). This study aims to address this gap by seeking to recognize how university-level EFL learners in Oman utilize digital tools to assist them in their writing processes, and to discover how digital literacy practices impact their composition practices. The ultimate aim of this project is to help instructors and decision-makers who work with EFL learners better understand their digital practices abilities and how to utilize them effectively. This study aims at identifying the existing digital writing practices of first-year EFL students studying at Sultan Qaboos University. It also aims at determining the perceptions first-year EFL students have on how useful their digital writing practices are in their writing classroom. It also aims at comparing the linguistic and discourse features of digital and classroom compositions.
Effective start/end date1/1/2012/31/21


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