Development of compressed blocks for low cost housing

  • Al Nuaimi, Ali (PI)

Project: Internal Grants (IG)

Project Details


The residential construction projects have the largest portion of construction industry in Oman. The data obtained from the Ministry of Economy shows that the largest share of economy and labor market goes to the construction of residential projects. This construction uses huge amount of natural and processed resources, which are continuously depleted, and more often, the country has to depend on imported materials. The cost of construction material escalates and therefore, the public housing is becoming more expensive to construct and operate, and hence less affordable by the average person. In addition, the cement industry, which is the backbone material for construction, is regarded as the second largest producer of the greenhouse gases that cause global warming phenomenon, which contributes by 5-8% of the world wide carbon dioxide CO2 emissions. Furthermore, buildings consume between 25-40% of total energy production for operational phase, which contributes to significant amount of CO2 emission. Due to these reasons and more, it became a necessity to search for alternative materials for construction of low cost housing. The use of compressed earth blocks (CEB), with or without cementitious, in construction of economically and socially accepted housing had emerged, as alternative for modern material, from the second halve of the last century. The production and application of CEB in building construction has continued to progress and to prove its scientific and technical worth. Economically, CEB has the advantage of being produced from locally available raw material and directly used with minimal use of high standard technology and least disturbance to environment which make it, cost wise, very comparable to most of other construction material. Technically, CEB is firmly supported by a technology equal to knowledge developed for masonry. The thermal and sound insulations of CEB are excellent. The production and distribution chain of CEB generates employment across a wide range of jobs, from quarrying to brick-manufacturing, from builder to entrepreneur.
Effective start/end date1/1/1912/31/20


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