Developing Feasible PEF Framework for User Acceptance Testing

Project: Internal Grants (IG)

Project Details


User Acceptance Testing (UAT) is basically the process of verifying that an installed solution works for the user. It involves the end user, quality assurance team, developers and testers. User Acceptance Testing faces a set of difficulties and problems such as: 1) User Acceptance Testing is carried out in the last stage of software testing life cycle so delay in any of the pervious testing stages leads to pressure and short time for UAT, 2) the roles and responsibilities of the users are not clear, 3) well-designed template which includes a set of requirements and the User Acceptance Test for each is missing. In this research we will develop a framework to answer all of those problems. The framework provides the testers with easy steps for UAT.
Effective start/end date1/1/1712/31/19


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