Conflict and Conflict Resolution in the Middle East

  • Yari, Houchang (PI)

Project: Internal Grants (IG)

Project Details


The legacy of events in 2011 combined with developments and strategic changes on the international scene are changing the liberal order of the post-World War II era. As the current situation is fluid, the writings on the region do not get to the bottom of the problems and remain on the surface. The contribution of this study will be to identify gaps in the existing literature and to fill them. The established comfort zone, which asserted that Middle East is condemned to anarchy et dislocation, is too pessimistic and determinist. Our research project seeks to provide answers to some major questions. We must identify the heavy trends in Middle Eastern societies that opt for a different view of the region and a return to a form of normalcy.
Effective start/end date3/1/2012/31/20


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