Business Level Strategy and Firm Performance: A Study of Medium and Large companies in Oman.

  • Rajasekar, James (PI)

Project: Internal Grants (IG)

Project Details


A business level strategy is part of the strategic management process. In general, to be successful in competitive industries, a firm has to have two types of strategies; a business level strategy and a corporate level strategy. While multi product companies at the group level focus more on corporate level strategy, a single product company s performance depends on a solid business level strategy. Sultanate of Oman is liberalizing its economy, including privatization of government owned companies to encourage foreign direct investment (FDI) in the fields of oil, education, training, manufacturing and processing industries to generate employment and other opportunities for the nationals. While the Sultanate has a vibrant economy and very successful companies, the concept of business level strategy and its impact on firm performance has not been studied so far. This research study aims to fill this gap in the strategy literature and contribute to the competitiveness of the companies in the Sultanate.
Effective start/end date1/1/1412/31/15


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