Biobanking of genetically valuable tissues from Oman endangered animals.

  • Baqir, Senan (PI)

Project: Internal Grants (IG)

Project Details


A number of native Oman endangered species are on the verge of extension. Multiple threats including inbreeding depression, climate change, environmental stress and emerging disease have been attributed to the deterioration in the size of the population. Many of Oman threatened species are listed on the IUCN red list. Species revival programs adapt modern techniques such as reproductive biotechnology to rapidly increase the population size in a very short period of time. While ex situ conservation projects are employed, to date with much regret not a single project has been carried out in Oman that utilize such novel applications, including semen/oocyte collection, freezing and preservation of germplasm cells/tissues. Biobanking of reproductive cells is considered an insurance policy against any drastic measures such natural disasters, endemics and inbreeding extinction. This project will be part of a grandiose scheme to implement reproductive biotechnology in Oman.
Effective start/end date1/1/171/31/19


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