Association between biological maturation and physical fitness in Omani children and adolescents: indicators towards better performance

Project: Internal Grants (IG)

Project Details


Recently differences in physical activity through pubertal maturation and growth spurt are generating a great interest for scientists. It is well known that children follow a conventional pattern of growth and development that varies in timing and tempo. The pattern of liner growth experienced by children is characterized by rapid growth during infancy, relative constant growth during childhood and then accelerated growth during the adolescents growth spurt prior to adult maturity. Due to individuals differences in biological maturation can influence height weight and body fat, the development of physical performance during childhood and adolescence is strongly influenced not only by growth in size but also by rates of maturational changes that accrued within each stage of maturity. In this research the relationship between maturational status and physical fitness (strength, leg power, sprint, agility, maximal aerobic power) in Omani children and adolescents will be investigated. The aims of this research are to: 1) Determine the relationship between fitness elements and stages of growth in Omani children and adolescence aged between 12 and 16 years for boys and 10 and 14 years for girls; 2) Identify and develop standardized data regarding the fitness elements according to the different growth stages. 3) Predict physical fitness abilities in children and the early stages and burnish their talents in sport.
Effective start/end date1/1/1812/31/21


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