Assessment of anthropogenic noise pollution on reef Omani ichthyofaunal assemblages

Project: Internal Grants (IG)

Project Details


The assessment of anthropogenic noise in the marine habitat of the Muscat area, Oman, is a critical endeavor to understand the potential impacts of human activities on the underwater environment. Anthropogenic noise, primarily generated by shipping traffic, industrial operations, and recreational boating, can have detrimental effects on marine ecosystems. To assess this phenomenon, researchers employ a combination of acoustic monitoring, hydrophone deployments, and data analysis techniques. Acoustic monitoring involves the use of underwater microphones (hydrophones) strategically placed in the study area to record ambient noise levels and identify specific sources of anthropogenic noise. By analyzing acoustic data, scientists can characterize the frequency, intensity, and temporal patterns of anthropogenic noise, and establish baseline noise levels to detect deviations caused by human activities. This assessment will provide valuable insights into the potential impacts of anthropogenic noise on marine life, such as disruption of communication and navigation for marine fishes, and it can inform conservation and management strategies aimed at mitigating these effects in the Muscat marine habitat.

Layman's description

Assessing anthropogenic noise in the marine habitat of the Muscat area in Oman is like trying to understand how human-made sounds affect the fish that live in those waters. Just like we might be bothered by loud noises, fish can also be affected by the noise from things like boats and industrial activities. Scientists use special underwater microphones called hydrophones to listen to these noises in the underwater world. They want to know how loud the noise is and how it might disrupt the fish's natural behaviors, like finding food or avoiding predators. This research helps us learn how to protect the fish and the overall health of the marine environment in Muscat from the noise we humans create.

Key findings

Short titleAnthropogenic noise
StatusNot started


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