A Study of Predominant Personal Values and their Influence on the Work Environment in the Sultanate of Oman

  • Al-Abri, Salim (PI)

Project: Internal Grants (IG)

Project Details


An individual s personal value system is a stable moral code shaped by different factors including parents, society, religion, and life experiences. Accordingly, the topic of personal values is an area that needs deeper investigation as there is a growing interest about this phenomenon in Oman. For instance, a number of working sessions were organized at the 'Omani Values and Role of the Citizen in Development' seminar organized by the Sultan Qaboos University in 2011. In a same way, the purpose of our research is to help identify dominant values amongst people in Oman. We will use the Schwartz model which is the most widely studied and accepted model to investigate the value system of an individual. The study will be based on quantitative survey at the national level. Research results will be important for managers in determining the best way to deal with their employees. Further, results could also be used for comparative study purposes which will make this study as truly cross cultural in nature .
Effective start/end date1/1/1412/31/15


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