A hybrid portable imager for gamma and neutron emitting radionuclide.

Project: Other project

Project Details


Our project aims to develop and enhance the design of a portable real-time gamma-ray and neutron imaging system. The current design utilises three layers of detectors with a personalised readout circuit. The exploited scintillation materials require further analysis along with enclosure of the system. We plan to enhance the configuration of the prototype design to boost its performance. In addition, the readout circuit used in the backend electronics requires further improvements. We plan to add a triggering circuitry along with a new analysis circuit to improve the efficiency of the system and enhance the response time. In general, dual particles imaging systems have a wide range of applications including in areas such as monitoring, nuclear non-proliferation as well as nuclear related industry.

Layman's description

Our project aims to develop and enhance the design of a portable real-time gamma-ray and neutron imaging system. The current design utilises three layers of detectors with a personalised readout circuit. The exploited scintillation materials require further analysis along with enclosure of the system. We plan to enhance the configuration of the prototype design to boost its performance. In addition, the readout circuit used in the backend electronics requires further improvements. We plan to add a triggering circuitry along with a new analysis circuit to improve the efficiency of the system and enhance the response time. In general, dual particles imaging systems have a wide range of applications including in areas such as monitoring, nuclear non-proliferation as well as nuclear related industry.
StatusNot started


  • Gamma-ray
  • Neutron
  • Compton scatteing
  • Neutron scattering
  • Real-time imaging


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