Exploring the National Nursing Research Priorities in the Eastern Mediterranean Region and Overcoming Associated Challenges

نتاج البحث: المساهمة في مجلةمقالمراجعة النظراء


Background Nurses play a significant role in contributing to various health priorities globally, including research. Identifying the status of national nursing research priorities (NNRPs) in the Eastern Mediterranean Region (EMR) is crucial to cultivate these priorities. Aim This paper aims to highlight the existing status of NNRPs in EMR countries concerning their existence and publicity. Methods Experts from nine EMR countries, including Egypt, Iran, Iraq, Jordan, Pakistan, Palestine, Qatar, Oman, and Saudi Arabia, responded, and participated in this report. The analysis was conducted to determine the percentage of countries with existing, under development, or nonexistent NNRPs. Results The analysis shows that 58% of the participating countries have existing NNRPs, while 25.8% don't and 16% are under development. The largest portion of NNRPs (38%) was developed by governmental organizations. Midwives were not specified in half of the published priorities. The majority of NNRPs (65%) were developed by experts’ opinions and consensus, and 33% only have an associated strategy, outcome measures, and funding opportunities. Yet, most of the published research priorities were not updated regularly. Conclusion EMR countries face a challenge with the need for more nurses, which may hinder their involvement in research projects or continued education. Despite this, all countries involved in this report emphasized the importance of developing nursing education and research as priorities for improving their current nursing workforce. Health policymakers, nurse practitioners, academic researchers, educators, and nursing leaders should collaborate to develop operational plans to foster national nursing education and research.
اللغة الأصليةEnglish
دوريةBMC Nursing
حالة النشرSubmitted - 2023

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