تفاصيل المشروع
Besides the power of in-class education, universities, including world-renowned, have been diligently investing into developing online learning infrastructures. For specific types of courses, online learning offers irreplaceable advantages that are either unattainable or costly with in class-education. Such advantages include round-the-clock material accessibility, utilizing online interaction capabilities, maximizing benefit from invited experts and others. The proposed project aims at developing and investigating the impact of online/hybrid education for a number of selected courses. The scope of the research is to a pilot online learning and investigate its impact through testing the students? critical thinking, projects and exams. It is expected that the outcome of the research project will lead to a new venue for online learning and will also help converge future efforts in this theme towards exploiting capabilities associated with online learning.
الحالة | نشط |
تاريخ البدء/النهاية الساري | ١/١/٢٤ → ١٢/٣١/٢٦ |
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