الصحافة / وسائل الإعلام
- 4 النتائج
نتائج البحث
New Disease Progression Findings from Sultan Qaboos University Described (Transient response to high-dose niacin therapy in a patient with NAXE deficiency)
Al-Thihli, K., ALfutaisi, A. & AL-Murshedi, F.
1 عنصر من تغطية إعلامية
الصحافة/الإعلام: Press / Media
Reports on Hypoglycemia Findings from Sultan Qaboos University Provide New Insights (Expanding the clinical spectrum of cytosolic phosphoenolpyruvate carboxykinase deficiency: novel PCK1 variants in four Arabian Gulf families)
Al-Thihli, K., ALfutaisi, A., AL-Moamari, W. & AL-Murshedi, F.
1 عنصر من تغطية إعلامية
الصحافة/الإعلام: Press / Media
New Life Science Study Findings Recently Were Reported by Researchers at Sultan Qaboos University (Autosomal Recessive Notch3-related Leukodystrophy In Two Siblings and Review of the Literature)
Ganesh, A., Al-Thihli, K. & ALfutaisi, A.
1 عنصر من تغطية إعلامية
الصحافة/الإعلام: Press / Media
Study Results from Sultan Qaboos University Hospital Update Understanding of Maple Syrup Urine Disease (Congenital Hyperinsulinism and Maple Syrup Urine Disease: A Challenging Combination)
Al-Thihli, K., AL-Murshedi, F. & Al-Shidhani, A.
1 عنصر من تغطية إعلامية
الصحافة/الإعلام: Press / Media