الصحافة / وسائل الإعلام
- 3 النتائج
نتائج البحث
Sultan Qaboos University Researchers Update Knowledge of Management (Economic growth and the demand for foreign labor in the oil-exporting and labor-importing states of the Arab Gulf: Case of Oman)
1 عنصر من تغطية إعلامية
الصحافة/الإعلام: Press / Media
Sultan Qaboos University Researchers Describe Findings in Cogent Economics and Finance (The dynamics of the relationship between foreign exchange reserves and import demand function)
1 عنصر من تغطية إعلامية
الصحافة/الإعلام: Press / Media
Studies from Sultan Qaboos University Update Current Data on Outdoor Recreation and Tourism-Research Planning and Management (Estimating the Recreational Value of a Rural Mountain Area In the Presence of Heterogeneous Agricultural Density On ...)
1 عنصر من تغطية إعلامية
الصحافة/الإعلام: Press / Media